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Primăria si Consiliul Local Târgu Cărbunesti © 2011. All Rights Reserved.
Town Planning OFFICE, spatial planning and urban administration

Composition of the Bureau:   - Superior Inspector-Surlea Iulia  - Head Office
                                         - Superior Inspector Luntraru Cristian
                                         - Superior Inspector Calugaru Mihaela Carmen
                                         -  Superior Inspector Calitoiu Claudiu Cristian

Urban and Regional Planning Bureau is responsible for:
- Authorizations
- Permits and Agreements
- Control Course in Construction

Provide the rationale, development, approval and implementation of programs and urban development organization of the city (urban area plan, detailed urban plan, specific studies);
- Establish the technical documentation for the improvement of green areas, roads, markets, fairs;
- Manages the process of issuing certificates of planning and building permits / dissolution;
- Is concerned with obtaining approvals and permits, according to the legislation in force;
- Prepare and submit for approval details of planning and studies;
- Local competitions for urban development projects;
- Preserving local traditional architecture and promoting the principles of modern architecture;
- Develops programs and actions for continuous improvement of urban architectural appearance of the city, keeping local specificities and construction of buildings with specific local architecture;
- Provide the necessary documentation preparation and award of the street names change;
- Develops projects to improve the external appearance of buildings within the competence of particular importance that the City Council approval and endorsement;
- Approves the documentation of planning and land use planning and issue certificates;
- Make analysis of intelligence on the structure and content compliance and refund documents submitted as appropriate, inadequate documentation (within 5 days of filing);
- Analyze project submitted for approval the works to establish the fulfillment of all requirements and conditions contained in the opinions obtained by the applicant;
- Obtaining, on behalf of investors, permits and agreements required by the certificate of urbanism, in order to obtain single agreement;
- Preparation and presentation of the documentation submitted for analysis in Unique Arrangements Committee;
- Obtaining planning approvals required by the certificate necessary to issue single agreement;
- Preparation and issuance unique;
- Preparation and presentation of certificates for signature architectural and building permits / dissolution;
- Provide evidence and protection of monuments, ensembles and historical sites identified as local heritage value;
- Investigating inventory of old buildings have a special value
(Not historic) and make proposals for their preservation;
- Analyzes and proposes the endorsement documentation on monuments protection areas and areas of functional integration in places great value;
- Periodically examines the state of conservation of monuments of any kind and make proposals to those entitled to be included in the annual works to protect and restore them;
- Analyze and make proposals for approval of technical documentation of intervention on the monuments of any kind;
- Ensure that specific database activity planning;
- Underlies complex development in the city;
- Develop some functional structures - allowing space to achieve a balance between how permanent recovery of natural and economic potential and their protection in conjunction with the concept of sustainable development planning;
- Elaborate the general concept of spatial city;
- Coordinates the city's development plan and implementation program planning for implementing the strategy planning and development planning by objectives and options of city land development strategy, priority areas of spatial planning in complex management of water, transport infrastructure, telecommunications, energy, and built protected areas, restructuring and achieving social and economic activities, development and modernization of the city, improving housing, supplies and equipment;
- Issuing certificates and permits for construction, reconstruction, alteration, extension or repair of buildings of any kind, historical monuments and culture, fences, temporary work with;
- Follows the preparation, approval and approval of planning documentation belonging to towns and villages;
- Make proposals for renting and leasing land for construction;
- Subject to approval and planning studies and details of how to achieve their aims;
- Aims at continuous improvement of the urban landscape and make proposals for keeping local specificities in terms of architecture;
- Follow and take action as advertising and companies look to fit harmoniously into the city;
- Working with engineering units to achieve projects that respect the local tradition and current operating requirements;
- Draws out the name of streets, markets, parks and other facilities in town and takes care of the preparation works for the issue or change the names according to legal provisions in force, and ensuring numerotsrii buildings;
- Field check the documentation submitted and make proposals for planning certificates;
- And take steps to ensure proper placement of the buildings;
- The way of execution of construction, compliance with the provisions of building permits issued;
- Aims to respect the quality of the building and make proposals, as provided by law for the abolition of illegal construction;
- Proposes the abolition act in justice or to bring work to its original state land and buildings for which permits were issued for construction or have not been complied with legal requirements;
- Seeks enforcement of the judgments and the mayor and council for the cancellation of the decisions of unauthorized constructions;
- Finds contraventions to the rules on the location and construction and other works authorized under the provisions in force;
- Make proposals for temporary placement of light construction;
- Compliance control permits construction / demolition issued and sanctions violations contravention of the legislation in force, discipline in constructions, keep track of fines;
- Performs control on observance of discipline in building construction permits, taking operational measures to sanction contraventions and demolition of buildings that run without the law;
- Monitors the implementation of programs for the safe of buildings affected by earthquakes;
- Monitors the implementation of programs for high risk buildings safe operation;
- Ensure the verification letters and complaints about the observance of discipline in business planning, quality of construction, land protection and propose measures to solve the problems of verification;
- Provide public relations with citizens, public institutions and private companies specialized problems;
- Centralizes documentation for obtaining permits and records;
- Check for all the elements necessary documentation to obtain single agreement;
- Keep in touch with issuers issuing opinions in order to ensure their disclaimers and all measures to ensure fulfillment of specific conditions imposed by regulations in force;
- Centralizes opinions, reviews them and issues unique agreement, according to law;
- Provide unique documentation annexation agreement for the authorization;
- Performs other duties set by laws or entrusted by the deliberative and executive.

Ultima actualizare 07.02.2025